Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh the Irony.

Okay so I just posted a blog. If you haven't read the one underneath, you need to scroll down and read it first before you read this one........


Alright. Now, I just re-read my blog after I posted it. I realized that I wrote something super ironic to the story I was telling. Something Africans do is put the world "really" at the end of sentences. Sometimes it means they are asking a question, sometimes, it adds expression, sometimes it is just in a weird part of the sentence and it would make more sense to me if it was in a different part of the sentence. Well this paragraph, I did just that and here it is....

"So my warning to you Canadians back home is this: If you ask me how I am when I get home and I say, "I'm FINE!" in sort of surprisingly abrupt sounding tone...I am not angry really. I am just speaking African-Canadian-English.

I laughed when I read it. Maybe you had to be there. ha, I dunno.


  1. I didnt even notice. This may reflect my poor English skills, but I hope it reflects that I know 'African-Canadian-English'

  2. it's like our 'eah' - it can mean a whole multitide of things only us Canadaians get!!!

    fave naybur :)

  3. It's so good to hear your updates, Adam! You're in our thoughts and prayers back home. Hope that everything continues to go swimmingly for you!
